Extreme Self-Care

In case you are wondering what I am doing while social distancing, I have composed a list of extreme self-care practices to decrease stress and increase sanity. Feel free to steal anything from my list, as well as adding any suggestions of your own. 

1.     Since I am a big smelly soap kind of girl anyway, I decided that every time I wash my hands, I want to feel good, not scared, so I ordered On-Guard soap from DoTerra and a foamy dispenser because, well, as I said, I am a big smelly soap kind of girl. Plus, washing with the fresh, clean smell actually makes me happy. I am also playing with different scents in my diffuser and filling my house with smells of happiness, health and cleanliness. Every day or so I call my friend Carolyn and she tells me new combinations of oils to try and it feels like one big girly science experiment. *

2.     I have begun the process of planting my garden. My herbs are blossoming, the flowers we planted last fall are waking up, and playing in the dirt helps me stay grounded. I have moved all of my face-to-face appointments to on-line appointments.  Once I heard that Apple closed all its stores worldwide, I figured what is good enough for Apple is good enough for me. Hence, more time in the garden.

3.     Hubs and I are trying new recipes that we can share with people once we are no longer social distancing. We are focusing on learning the balance between salt, fat, acid and heat and are playing with the use of unfamiliar herbs. We make a portion to eat and a portion to freeze. **

4.     I am creating cards and writing letters and sending them to people I love to remind them that they are loved. In times of stress, it’s good to know you are loved and not alone. And, even if you actually know that intellectually, it’s good to get a little love note in the mail. ***

5.     I have taken at least one long walk each day and have been calling “hello” to everyone I meet along the way. Yesterday, I walked past a group of eight women, 7 running and one on a bike. I cheered them on, reminding us all that it is STILL National Women’s Month, even if we are in the middle of a national emergency. 

6.     I am actively on the hunt for miracles. The tow path near me has an eagles’ nest in one of the trees and you can see it from the path. It is enormous and mama eagle is sitting there, big as life, looking like the best visual of America that I have seen in a long time. Just seeing her brought tears to my eyes and reminded me that Americans have survived many very difficult times and that we will survive this as well. 

7.     I am monitoring how much TV I watch and what exactly I am watching. A colleague recently recommended Disney’s Christopher Robin and I am telling you, it is well worth the watch. Seriously soothing to the central nervous system. Although I am a Law-and-Order-Criminal-Minds kind of girl, I have decided to give my neurological system a break from blood and guts and give it a serotonin boost of serenity.

8.     Feel free to laugh, but I have laundered everything that needs laundering and/or freshening. I am paying particular attention to things that need stains soaked off, or need to sit in bleach to restore their whiteness and, my very favorite, things that need to be ironed.  There is something about that process that is so soothing to me. All those visual problems getting worked out right there in my laundry room.

9.     I am going easy with my loved ones and with everyone else with whom I come into contact. When Hubby is grouchy or short with me, I am practicing the act of taking a breath and searching the response files in my head for the kindest, most generous response I can find. Anne Lamott reminds us that in times like this is it “right foot, left foot, right foot, breathe…. right foot, left foot, right foot, breathe.” Solid advice. 

I hope this list of coping strategies is helpful to you. While I do not subscribe to the advice to “relax”, I am proposing a balance between staying alert, taking responsible action and extreme self-care. 

I love you. No, really, I mean it. I love you.



*Contact me if you want Carolyn’s number. I happen to know she is home with three adolescents so a little adult conversation might be very welcomed. 

** Let me know if you want to know what we are cooking.

***Send me your address if you want a love-note.